Picture of the Satlaks at Henry’s Woods
The Satlaks have been caring for Sunnyside Park and Henry’s Woods since 2014 where they log many hours pulling weeds and maintaining the perennial gardens. Their hard work is evident when you visit Henry’s Woods (pictured above). With the coneflowers in full bloom, the garden creates a beautiful place to rest on a park bench and watch the butterflies after taking a stroll along the pathway through the historic woods. The City of Rogers is grateful for residents like Theresa and Van Satlak who work hard to make our community a better place!
Adopt-a-Park is open to community groups, civic groups, churches, families and individual citizens for a minimum of one year. Adopt-A-Park is a public service program for volunteers to assist their community by picking up litter, communicating maintenance needs and assisting in improvement projects at Rogers Community Parks.
Park clean-up is performed once or twice a month.
Park sites are chosen on a first-come, first-served basis.
Groups will be recognized on the City of Rogers website.
Options available to purchase sign recognition for the park.
What we ask of you:
Pick up litter in the park area, and place the bag by the park's litter receptacle.
Pile up fallen branches or sticks.
Communicate any safety or maintenance concerns you see to Park staff immediately.
Have fun volunteering in, and for, your Community!
If you would like more information about how to get involved in the Adopt-A-Park Program, contact:
Havana Hanson at 763-428-0975 or hhanson@rogersmn.gov
Picture of trees and a trail
Picture of a river and blue skies
Brockton Meadows: Ella, Ella, & Olivia
Brookside Meadows: Cub Scout Pack 582
Dayspring Estates: Dusty Boots Club
Dutch Knolls: Iwanok family
Edgewater: Larson Family
Erickson Park: Klatt & Cooney Family
Fox Creek West: Wahba Family
Hassan Meadow: Hanson Family
Henry's Woods: Theresa and Van Satlak
Island View Estates: Dusty Boots Club
Lions Central Park (Formerly Known As Triangle Park): Rogers Ambassadors
Lynch Park: Oasis of Life Church
North Community Park: FedEx Ground, Rogers, MN
Shadow Woods Park: Tembreull Family
Sunny Side Park: Theresa and Van Satlak
Walker: Dusty Boots Club
Woodman Hall Park- Hassan Area Historical Society