Crime Alerts
Burglars typically gain access inside your home by using your garage door open in your vehicle.
Elderly Scams
This guide covers the various fraud tactics that scammers commonly use, followed by more detail on each type of fraud.
Last but not least, if you suspect that you or someone you know may be a victim of a scam, briefly review the resources you can turn to.
View the article here.
Rogers Police offers a number of programs to reduce crime for your home:
Neighborhood Crime Watch
Neighborhood Crime Watch is formed by a group of residents that are interested in reducing or preventing crime in their area. The watch groups are made up of groups of approximately 20 to 30 houses on the same street or on a couple of streets. Neighborhood Crime Watch requires very little time commitment on the part of the residents with only having to meet once a year with either with a representative of the Rogers Police Department or at an annual Nite to Unite party that occurs in August.
Rogers Officer Zachman has been working with our participating neighborhoods to address issues in our community, including current crime epidemics and prevention techniques for those specific incidents. He also helps Watch groups identify and take steps to avoid becoming easy victims, and offer resources.
Get Started!
To start your own neighborhood crime watch, contact Officer Zachman by email or call 763-428-3450. He will help you identify the requirements and steps, and will help you hold your first meeting, bringing information about what Neighborhood Crime Watch is and how it can benefit the community. Once a first meeting is held with the required participation, the Rogers Police Department will place signs on either end of the watch area stating that the residents are participating in Neighborhood Crime Watch.
Reduce your Risk!
Don’t leave your car unlocked, and leave absolutely nothing of value inside
Don’t leave a spare key or garage door opener near or inside the vehicle
Don’t leave your windows open when vehicle is secure
Don’t leave valuables in plain view. They will break your window to get it
Remove your mail at night, if you’re unable, have a neighbor do it
Place outgoing mail in a secure blue mailbox
Remember to shut your garage door and secure access doors
Don’t leave your keys inside your vehicles parked in the garage
Consider installing one or more Wi-Fi security cameras. Video is always helpful
Neighborhood Watch Newsletter
Rogers Registry
The Rogers Police and Fire Departments have a program called Rogers Registry. The registry allows residents to keep emergency contact information on file with the Rogers Police and Fire Departments, using a secure records management system.
This form includes information about your contact person, who may have a key to your residence and emergency contact information. The information should be updated at least once per year.
Residents may download the registration form or visit Rogers Police.
Security Assessment
The security assessment will involve an officer to conduct a home survey that will identify different lighting, landscaping, and doors and windows locks that could be used to increase security and possibly prevent crimes. Call Rogers Police at 763-428-3450 for more information.
Rogers Police also recommends installing a home security camera.