Local Sales and Use Tax/Motor Vehicle Excise Tax
Starting October 1, 2019, Rogers will have a 0.25 percent sales and use tax and a $20 vehicle excise tax. The Minnesota Department of Revenue will administer this tax. Revenues will fund specified park, recreation and trail improvements per City Ordinance 2019-05.
This 0.25 percent sales tax applies to retail sales made into Rogers. The use tax applies to taxable items used in the City if the local sales tax was not paid. A $20 vehicle excise tax applies to sales of motor vehicles registered for road use. This excise tax must be collected by any person in the business of selling new or used motor vehicles at retail when the sale occurs in Rogers. For more information, see Fact Sheet 164, Local Sales and Use Taxes.
Rogers businesses were notified of the new tax implementation by the Department of Revenue in mid-2019.
More information about the local taxes can be found on the Minnesota Department of Revenue's website. Questions regarding the administration, payment/collection of the local taxes should be directed to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
MN Department of Revenue Contact Information:
Website: www.revenue.state.mn.us
Telephone: 651-296-6181 or toll free at 1-800-657-3777
Email: salesuse.tax@state.mn.us
Write: Minnesota Revenue
Sales and Use Tax Division
Mail Station: 6330
St. Paul, MN 55146-6330
Latest Updates
June 2019
June 2019 Update
The City worked closely with our representatives throughout the legislative session and the necessary authorization was provided as part of the 2019 Omnibus Tax Bill, approved by both the Minnesota House and Senate and signed by the Governor.
Final steps required to implement the tax include:
City to pass resolution approving of the special legislation, submit resolution and certificate of approval to State of MN by July 1, 2019.
City to adopt ordinance imposing tax, submit same to State of MN by July 1, 2019.
Department of Revenue to notify businesses of new tax requirements.
Sales/excise tax collection begins October 1, 2019.
First revenues received by City 1st quarter of 2020.
The timing of borrowing and project development will depend upon revenue cash flows once some history is developed. The City Council will ultimately decide which projects are built when, and will look to leverage other opportunities including cooperation with the School district as well as availability of state and federal grants. See below for project information!
February 2019
February 2019 Update
The 1/4% local option sales tax referendum for park/rec/trail facilities was narrowly passed by Rogers voters on November 6. In order to be implemented by the City Council, it also requires approval of the state Legislature and Governor by way of special legislation (passage of a bill). It cannot be implemented unless and until that special legislation passes through the state. The City is currently working at the state level to help advance the issue based on the results of the November 6 vote. Any future updates will be provided via website and social media platforms.
Picture of man viewing graphs and charts
Community Survey
The results of that survey generally found that:
No property tax increase for these purposes would find sufficient support at the polls, with 55% opposed.
Sixty percent of likely voters would support a ¼ cent increase in the local sales tax for up to twenty years to fund construction.
An indoor pool/aquatics facilities, community center and trail connections lead the list of projects for which respondents were most willing to raise taxes (i.e., higher or new taxes).
Funding for Projects
City Ballot Question:
Issue General Obligation Bonds. Impose a 1/4% sales tax increase and a motor vehicle excise tax of $20 as the primary repayment method of the bonds. *
* By state statute, the following language must be included in a sales tax referendum question: “By voting ‘Yes’ on this ballot question, you are voting for a property tax increase.” However, if approved, the City’s intent would be to repay debt using the sales tax. If such revenues are insufficient, only then would property tax revenue be used for repayment.
Picture of voting stickers
Project List
Trail and Pedestrian Facilities
I-94 Pedestrian Bridge: Connects Industrial Blvd to Lynch Park. Provides safe passage from residential neighborhoods to schools and parks ($2)
County Road 144 Pedestrian Tunnel: Crossing from Rogers High School to Middle School ($.75)
New Trails and Trail Connections: Territorial View Connection, Henry's Woods Trailhead, Hassan Hills Neighborhood Trail, Edgewater Looping Trail, Off-Road Sunnyside Estates-South Diamond Lake Road to 137th Ave ($2.5)
Aquatics Facilities
Splash Pad ($1)
Contribution Toward the Community Portion of a School Pool ($2)
Community Athletic Facilities
Consisting of South Community Park ($2.75)
Site Improvements For Future Recreational Facilities ($2)
Multipurpose Indoor Turf Facility ($3.5)
Note that the project list is subject to change in the event that revenues are less than projected, if project costs exceed estimates, or if other agency funding sources (County, State grant funds, other) are not realized.
Past Communications
Project Flyer
2018 Spring Newsletter Article
June 27, 2018 Open House
There was an Open House for the public to attend at the Rogers Activity Center
Wednesday, June 27, 2018 3:00 -7:00 p.m.
Presentations were at 3:30 and 6:30 p.m.