Picture of notebook, phone, pen, and plant.
The City of Rogers is home to more than 11,197 residents and an active commercial and industrial sector on the outer edge of the Twin Cities. The City of Rogers is continually changing; and the Planning Department assists in the management of the City's growth and redevelopment. Like most cities, Rogers is constantly confronted with continually changing land uses. Properties that are redeveloped and that are surrounded by existing established neighborhoods, services and streets require a careful review to ensure that compatible results are achieved. The Planning Department reviews development and redevelopment proposals utilizing the guidance of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
The Planning Department is also the staff lead for the following functions:
Maintains and updates the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map.
Advises developers, land owners and residents about the requirements for land use, plats and zoning.
Oversees administration of U.S. Census data.
Staff Liaison to the Planning Commission.
Staff Coordinator for all new development and redevelopment projects.
The Planning Department assists the City Council in guiding how the city will grow and develop in the future. As such, the City has adopted a vision statement to identify and define our intentions until the year 2030.