Buckthorn is an invasive species that requires a lot of energy and commitment to remove. Many residents struggle with buckthorn taking over their yards and for this reason the Public Works Department is providing buckthorn pullers that are available for rent for up to two weeks at a time.
Picture of Glossy Buckthorn (found in wet areas)
Similar to Common Buckthorn, leaves extremely glossy with deep veins and leaf margin is smooth, without teeth.
Common Buckthorn (most common)
Glossy leaves with deep, prominent leaf veins. Leaf edged with small teeth. Leaves almost directly across each other, thorn at tip of twig.
There are three main ways to remove, and keep buckthorn from coming back on to your property. The most important thing to keep in mind is thoroughly following one of the below removal methods because Buckthorn will come back if you simply cut it back.
1. Cut the trunk and treat with an herbicide designed to kill buckthorn, herbicide for buckthorn can be picked up at most garden centers.
2. Cut and cover the stem with a Buckthorn Baggie or nail a tin can to the stump to block sunlight from allowing the stump to grow back even stronger than before. Both will the Buckthorn Baggie and tin can will need to remain on the stump for at least one growing season to ensure it won’t come back.
3. Pull the buckthorn out, including the roots, with a hand pulling tool. No need to buy one, the city has one available to rent!
Picture of buckthorn
Tool Rental Program
Two Extractigator buckthorn pullers are available for rent through the City of Rogers Public Works Department. If you are interested in renting an Extractigator you can call or come into the Public Works Department to sign out an Extractigator. You will be required to write a check for $150, which will not be cashed, and will be returned to you when you return the tool.
How do you know if renting this tool would be helpful for removing Buckthorn on your property? Removing Buckthorn by pulling it out with the Extractigator is an appropriate removal method if there is not risk of erosion. Pulling buckthorn out, including the roots, can disrupt the soil which may be harmful around native plants and along slopes. This method of removal is also only possible if the trunk of the buckthorn is less than 2” in diameter.
Please note: The city is not responsible for reminding residents to return the tool and has the right to cash the check if the tool is not returned within two weeks.