About Senior Dining

Our dining program is open to all and is built with the idea of creating community and increasing access to a hot, nutritious meal.

Meals are available via Reservation Only by calling 763-428-0600 and leaving a message or emailing seniors@rogersmn.gov by Friday of the week prior to the dates you want to attend. 

The fee is $5 for ages 55+ and $6 for anyone under 55 (cash or check only).  Each meal includes an entrée, donated dessert, soup & salad bar (this is a trial for the month of November), and coffee, milk, or water.

The meals are served Tuesday-Thursday starting at Noon and are located at the Rogers Community Room, 21201 Memorial Dr, Rogers, MN 55374.


Questions About Senior Dining?

Call: 763-428-0600

March Senior Dining Menu

February Senior Dining Menu